About my work

Literal translation? No thanks…


I translate content for the fashion and luxury sectors, which demand the utmost attention to style and creativity. I work with promotional texts such as brochures, catalogues, press releases and web pages. I also work with some technical texts in fields such as lighting design and consumer electronics.


None of these texts can be translated literally. They have to appear to be written originally in Italian, with the right style and tone for the job.


Let’s imagine, for example, if “Think different” (the grammatically-ambiguous slogan coined by a famous IT company at the end of the ‘90s) was translated literally. In Italian – “Pensa diverso” – it sounds like mock Latin. It just doesn’t have the same impact as the English version!


I can also help you to write important presentations or emails, to make your communications really stand out for the right reasons.

About Me

My name is Francesca Mazza, I live in Milan and I have been a professional freelance translator since 2004. I have an academic background in the humanities (a degree in Classics) and a Postgraduate Certificate in Translation awarded by the Chartered Institute of Linguists in London.


I am an Associate Member of the Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti (Italian Association of Translators and Interpreters) – membership number 218022.